Expected Norms For the Period
Sleeping Time - The infant will sleep through the night and the
parents will be less disturbed. The baby will take one long nap in the
daytime.There will be more waking hours and entertaining the child
will become somewhat of a chore.
Feedings - The baby will require fewer feedings and solids are
being introduced and spooned into the waiting mouth. Some preferences
will begin to develop.
Growth - Muscle activity will increase. The child will be able to
hold the hand up. Arm waving and kicking will become more
coordinated. The baby will be able to turn over. At around six
months the baby will be able to sit up unassisted. Playtime is very
important Using the arms and legs is a real pleasure. Putting a cuddly
toy between the legs and removing it initiates a little game called
corralling. It can be placed between the arms in a similar manner.
There is a canvas bottom chair which allows the baby to push up
and down.
Affection and Interaction - The baby’s need for interaction in-
creases during this period. It is no longer necessary to hold the baby
as much as in the earlier months. Lifting and holding will be
continued. Interacting with the baby is a real pleasure. Responding
with the smile and audible coos brings attention from the adult
world. This is a good time to intro duce friends and neighbors as
well as baby sitters to play and interact. Mothers should use this
period to get some relief.
The Bonding Experience - During this period is developing a
special bond with one person, usually the mother. This preferred
relationship will play a major role in the child’s life. The child
develops a fear of strangers and will have a major cry if the bonded
person leaves. This has a name called Separation Anxiety. This is
the reason to provide other playmates before this bond occurs. There
is a special caution to parents with twins. The mother needs to relate
as much as possible to one at a time. Leaving them together too
much may bring on the bond to each other and separation becomes
a major problem. The bond usually appears around six month but
some take place earlier and some later. There will be no doubt in the
mother’s mind when this occurs.
Sensory Stimulation - Hearing, seeing, and feeling are in full swing
during this period. This is a good time to introduce music. The child
will be happy listening for a considerable length of time especially
while the mother has other matters to attend to. Television noise is
not as beneficial as some special song that can be played over and
over. The out of doors is very important during this period. It is
stroller time. Find a friend and place where trees, flowers, and birds
are available.. Turn the stroller in different directions when there are
things to see. It is a good practice to stop occasionally and talk to
the occupant. This will confirm the mother’s presence. Lifting or
bouncing is a very pleasant sensation.
Crying - Crying should be much less frequent during this period.
When crying and irritability does occur, it is more likely to come from
illness. Taking the temperature will confirm this. During illness
holding and caressing is very important. The music experience may
also be beneficial.