A POSITIVE LIFE Publication by Dr. James F. Hubbard


"It's The CRUD In The BLOOD"
Learn How To Get It Out.


There are two other hormones released from the cortex of the adrenal gland - the mineral corticoids and the glucocorticoids.

The mineral corticoids allow the minerals sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium to reach higher levels during stress. They are involved in the neural firing process. If the level is too high the neurons fire erratically, if too low the firing is sluggish. If the fight or flight activity does not occur, these minerals remain in the blood and upset the ph level in the blood stream.

In order for the cells in the body to live properly the ph level must be near neutral. If too acid or too alkaline the metabolic system goes into action in a process called detoxification. Breathing, urination, and perspiration speed up to bring the ph level back to normal. In addition, chemical buffers are manufactured to control the toxic substances until they are expelled.

Vitamin C is involved in detoxification. If the level of vitamin C is low the detoxification process is slowed down. When a person uses alcohol or drugs, the level of the high received depends on the intoxication of the blood stream. Neurons are misfiring all over the body.

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