Benefits of Stress Control |
SELF CONTROL Nervous tensions arise from daily experiences, especially from those that are difficult to handle. Stressful situations stimulate the adrenal gland to release hormones into the blood, which makes a person reactive. Control of one’s word is difficult. Verbal attacks are quick and negative words fly. People say things they do not really want to say. Often innocent members of one’s family receive this displaced aggression. Self control can be improved. WARM FRIENDLY FEELINGS Difficult encounters tend to curb positive feelings. A person likes to smile and display a sense of humor. Friendly social interaction is an enjoyable experience. People like to notice the good deeds and accomplishments of those around them. They like to use praise and commendation. They like to be good listeners as others relate their positive experiences. They know that positive feelings promote good work and reduce negative experiences. ENERGY SUPPLY Fatigue near the end of the day is a common experience. Many of us have continuing responsibilities after the work day is completed. We must push ourselves when we really don’t have the energy to proceed. Tiredness signals a case of “too much crud in the blood.” Stress control cleans the blood. WEIGHT GAIN PREVENTION When nervous tensions rise from difficult experiences, the blood sugar level is elevated to provide extra energy for fight or flight. When the blood sugar is not used in exercise, the body lowers it by metabolizing it into fat an storing it as adipose tissue. HEALTH AGGRAVATION REDUCTION When nervous tensions are not reduced, they can cause a number of aggravations like headaches, indigestion, colds and flu, elimination problems, as well as numerous aches and pains. Stress control reduces all of these. HEALTHY HEART FUNCTION Difficult experiences elevate blood pressure and increase the heart rate. They also cause the release of fat into the blood. It remains in the blood and is gradually deposited on the walls of the blood vessels. These narrowed blood vessels cause the blood pressure to elevate and lowers the nutrition supply to many vital organs. OVERALL GOOD HEALTH Nervous disorders, ulcers, hypertension, and other health problems may well be related to nervous tensions which persist over the years. Pollution in the bloodstream is detrimental to healthy cell life. Stress control is useful in both blood cleansing and reducing nervous tensions. |
Copyright 2006 James F. Hubbard All Rights Reserved May Be Copied For Educational Purposes Only |